WASD To move B to open character editing screen, with 3000+ possible cats to be! A to interact / click, such as when selecting a color or stamping a book. You also hold this button to crouch, so that when the next critter passes by, you can pounce on it! To get returned books from the library’s visitors, simply overlap them and then stamp your little paw as close to the mark on the bottom right as possible. To reshelve books, overlap the orange cart with the books and take the book to overlap an empty shelf.
This game is inspired by Browser, the cat that was hired to a Texas library to control rodents! He was actually voted by the city to be fired due to cat allergies, but an online petition and a flood of emails returned him to his rightful place- permanently :)
This was a fun one to make. The walk cycle is based off of how real cats walk: "Cats have a precise method of walking called direct registering . Their hind paws fall inside the place of their forepaws, minimizing noise and visible tracks, while ensuring more stable footing." I used a gif to get it just right! All the rest of the art is quite relaxed and simply lineless. The books add nice colorful accents to the cozy brown and beige! Surprisingly this was coded without any major glitches or roadblocks to stop me.