- 2123 - February 12th at 11:16. Suspected vent fire caused gas leak in navigation department. Gas was not identified but evidence of matches in the vents suggests debris was burned, releasing high amounts of carbon monoxide. Engineer Mr. Diomedes declared the incident pre-planned but isolated, although his evidence is currently under review. Fire was discovered after being put out, so evacuation was cancelled.
- 2122 - December 17th at 14:20. Fire destroyed the majority of the north side of the building. Culprit is still unknown. The fire is suspected to have been caused by magical means and planned to stop usual prison preceedings. 42 of the 79 present managed to evacuate.
- 2119 - August 2nd at 13:04. Fire. Circumstances unkown.
- 2115 - March 18th at 0:11. The microwave in navigation caught in flames by Dr. Song. He received minor burns from the fire and the microwave had to be replaced, although none were available. Evacuation was overriden.
- 2112 - June 4th at 12:45. A fuel spill in the garage managed to catch fire. Minor damage to the flooring and walls. It was found by construction crew who alerted the present manager, Lysis Tryphno. 1 of the 1 present evacuated.
"STEEL's greenland location is intended to be a new base of operations for procedures in the atlantic, mainly north. After the loss of our europoean location, there's been casualties in the northeast atlantic due to unfortunately misguided protests. We intend to have all officers live onsite to avoid information being leaked into the nearby sea elf town of Finwick. We intend to staff about a hundred people." - STEEL's CEO and co-founder, Joseph Maul
Sorry, that's all I have for you Emily! What do you need with the logs?